The cam has been down since 0121hr, we're on form for the the season. May we miss EJ's early-morning nest ministrations?
Will you be writing to Carnyx, MOFFER? ;-)
Hi scylla :) Thanks for starting the new thread. Cam's back up on Carynx. Seems quite breezy there at the moment.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Hiya Heron! Great to see you. Cam's just come back on RSPB. That was a long and scary outage :o
Heron77 said:Seems quite breezy there at the moment.
My blades of grass are only fluttering in fits and starts, both in VLC and the RSPB screen.
Yep. The cam is a bit stop-startish at the moment. If that's the height of the technical problems this season. I'll be a fairly happy camper.
Well I guess its time for me to go and roost.
Have an ospreytastic time everyone :-)
Evening all and Hi Heron:
Thanks MaryGK (or whoever started the Daily Updates).
Errr...sorry I'm a little late for the party, but...
I kept on posting over at EJ's arrival thread and forgot about the daily updates!!! Ever dense but slowly get there... :)
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Must off to bed - catch you on the morrow - your evening.
I knew I'd miss you, CC, but kept getting waylaid. Ah well, tomorrow is another day :-)
And I've missed Annette too, it really is too bad :'(
Nearly daylight :-) Blades of grass only gently fluttering.