Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 23 March 2014


Last week's Chat thread is here: http://www.rspb.org.uk/community/placestovisit/lochgartenospreys/f/915/p/110688/844719.aspx#844719

Sorry, the site isn't letting me do posh links tonight. The code for this week's thread is WC230314.

This will likely be an exciting week! I fully expect EJ to have returned by the end of the week. Good ol' Odin, too, maybe...but I doubt it. :-))) And I think I read that Blue XD is on his way, so pour yourselves a strong coffee...

Loch Garten Osprey Live Cam -- RSPB: http://www.rspb.org.uk/reserves/guide/l/lochgarten/abernethyvideo.aspx

Loch Garten Osprey Live Cam -- Carnyx (Microsoft Silverlight): http://www.carnyx.tv/CarnyxWild/WildlifeCameras/Scotland.aspx

Loch Garten Osprey Live Cam -- Carnyx (Opens directly in Windows Media Player): mms://wms.carnyxlive.co.uk/abernethy

Oh, and the Dyfi cam is up and running, although I think they are working out the last of the bugs for some browsers/formats. I'm receiving it just fine using Windows 7, Internet Explorer (desktop). I haven't loaded Chrome yet on this computer. I really need to do that. http://dyfiospreyproject.com/stream

I hope everyone has a wonderful spring week!!!

  • Diane - many thanks for starting us off again - was amazed to hear of the repair work you have performed on your IT gear - ever thought about setting up a repair business in your area?! Hope the weather is treating you kinder at present than previously.  Up here we are getting a sting in the tail of March!

  • Hi, Liz! Oh, dear, no. I'm an amateur at this tech stuff. I know just enough to get me into trouble. Actually, that's probably true of most things. LOLOL!

    Still pretty dang cold here tonight, too. Landscape still looks brown and barren. Three species of woodpeckers drumming furiously all day here, though.

    Stay warm, Liz. Nice to see you!

  • Hey, everyone. I was going to do a long catch-up post this evening. But the site is a bit slow and glitchy because of the repair efforts, and I'm a bit slow and glitchy myself. LOL I moved computers, monitors, and big desks yesterday, and it turns out that I'm not as young as I used to be! My joints are complaining, so I'm on my way to my electric blanket and an early bedtime. LOL

    I did want to send my best wishes to Margo. I hope you're feeling better and improving. And, Brenda, I hope you get your car sorted. I recommend sweary words. I always threaten to drive mine into the creek if it doesn't behave. Annette: I hope you had a lovely time with your family.

    Apparently, the sandhill cranes are migrating through here, so I've been watching for them. But so far I've only seen and heard Canadian geese.

    Midwest Living Magazine has done a short video on my local Turkey Run State Park (Forest). You can watch here, if you're interested. http://www.midwestliving.com/videos/v/87203353/what-it-s-like-to-explore-turkey-run-state-park.htm

    Take care, all.

  • Evening all:

    Brenda: Hope your car problem doesn't turn out to be one of those hard-to-find electrical glitches.  How frustrating!

    Diane: A stellar start to the new week with all those links. Very generous and thoughtful of you!  I think you should hire yourself out as a Fix-it Person in between freelance assignments.  If you were closer, I'd have you working out in the back garden.

    Had a long nap this afternoon and was heading out to my yoga class when I realized Vice-President Biden, who was in town for a fundraiser, was due to fly out of SB Airport (just across the freeway) so took a detour and ended up seeing his motorcade arrive. Lots of security, men in black with dark glasses, and an endless stream of limos and police cars/motorbikes.  Had my binocs in the car and had a good view of  Mr. B and his teacher wife Jill (who has a Ph.D) who both waved to all of us before Air Force 2 zoomed off.  I was waiting by a TV news crew that was jockeying for a good position and ended up being interviewed about Mr. B's presidential aspirations (like he confides in me!!)  That was fun, but there I was on the evening news!  What's worse, that old lady who stands in front of me when I'm having my photo taken had snuck in again, with her tatty shirt and wild hair.  Horrors!

    Looks like it'll be an exciting week osprey-wise.  

    Hugs to everyone!

  • Annette - I think that old lady that stands in front of you gets around!!

  • Liz LFW: Indeed! Don't think I'm going to shake her off at this point.  :-)

  • Good Morning ALL. Sunshine and showers, but we can feel the drop in temperature this morning.

    Thanks for starting the week Diane. I sympathise with the aches and pains. We have been moving furniture etc in preparation for decorator and I feel so sore and tired and we have only started with upstairs.

    Annette, You are braver than me. I would run a mile if I saw the TV people approaching me for an interview. Even if I agreed, I am sure I would be thinking afterwards, I should have said this, not that !!! Well done.

    Liz, Sorry you are still suffering from the bad weather. It has to improve, surely.

  • An unexpectedly nice weekend.  Painter and decorator starts tomorrow. We are going to revamp a spare bedroom so have spent ages looking at wallpaper, carpets and curtains. May go for new furniture as well.

  • Where are you all today ?? Enjoying your day I hope. We have been very busy most of the day so every thing is ready for the decorator.

    Best wishes for your decorating, Dibnlib.

    As you know I am in touch with Linda. She is enjoying her holiday and meeting up with old friends. Not long before she will be home.

  • hi folks and thanks to Diane for starting  us off.   Trying to pot from tablet so will it work!    

    Exciting week ahead - will EJ arrive and on what date?