Thought it sensible to create a new thread where we can keep each other abreast of which Ospreys have returned to the Public sites. Please don't post any information on non protected locations
32/05 has now returned to Rutland as well as 03/97
Blackwater osprey cam web log with 4 new videos:
Pic of one of the Bassenthwaite juves this morning:
Latest movements of chick 11 in the Lake District:
Good morning Alan that is a lovely pic of the Bassenthwaite taken this morning. Looks very atmospheric.
Interesting Blog on a Scottish Nest that I hadn't seen before. Female is Blue XL that I don't think I've seen mentioned. Only one chick survived this year.
Unknown said: Interesting Blog on a Scottish Nest that I hadn't seen before. Female is Blue XL that I don't think I've seen mentioned. Only one chick survived this year.
Thanks Vespa for that link seems as though this particular nest and family have had a tough time with only one chick surviving.
Great news from Tweed Valley about a returning chick:
Unexpected news from Caerlaverock!!
"We were sure that our female osprey was away as we had not seen her on the CCTV sytem at the nest for over 2 weeks. The chicks have been calling on and around the nest all week with a ready supply of flounders being brought in by our male AW. This afternoon at 2.30pm HJ was calling on the nest and an unringed adult arrived with a flounder, it has to be our female, so she has not headed south yet after all. It has been difficult for the surveillance team to identify the birds passing fish at trees off the nest so this is the first confirmation that she is still about. No wonder they haven't yet left the nest if mum is bringing them fish! All week we have seen up to 3 ospreys out on the mudflats fishing and perching up on driftwood. Some days the heat haze makes it difficult to make out the plumage to see if it is an adult or a youngster. osprey watching at the Saltcit mers Observatory continues to improve"
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Thanks OG. Pic of SKYLAR on the Nova Scotia nest:
Unknown said: Thanks OG. Pic of SKYLAR on the Nova Scotia nest:
Thanks Alan for the pic, I do like the name. As it was the only one it must be well fed.