Loch of the Lowes MARCH 2014

Let the excitement begin in earnest

Copyright ChloeB and Tiger http://www.imagicat.com/index.html


  • Nope sorry I disagree with this.  Lady has been a brilliant mother, and has done more than enough for the osprey species.  I find it very interesting to watch her and wonder just how long she will be able to continue to migrate and breed.  The time will come when she will not return, and then is the time for the next female to stake her claim.  

  • Fortunately/unfortunately we have no say who comes to this nest.  Lady will return as long as she is able with the sole purpose to breed.  Our views and thoughts don't come into it.  If instinct tells her to fly north to breed then she will (always assuming that birds have survived the migration).  It doesn't matter whether we think she should retire or whether we want a new fertile young  bird to take over.  All we can wish for is a successful season with chicks to add to population

  • I however hope Lady does return

  • Lmac I completely agree with everything you say and I too would love to see her again as she was the osprey who first piqued my interest in ospreys and raptors, but we must be pragmatic when dealing with mother nature. I will be cheering loudest if and when she returns, every year is a bonus.

    Nature can only enrich our lives but we have to allow it into our hearts.
  • Starling & Lmac - Your posts say exactly what I feel when it comes to Lady, all I think is that she deserves a bit of respect for her contribution to the Osprey population over the years, no other Osprey can be compared to her, and I hope and pray that she makes it back this year, and if she does make it back and doesn't produce chicks then "so what! " she has done more than enough by producing 50 chicks already and for achieving this, in my eyes she is a LEGEND!  

  • I am sorry if anyone has taken offence at my post, I am only voicing my opinion on nature and be assured that I hold great respect and affection for lady and her achievements. I have spent many hours in the hide photographing and watching her and hope to do so again. I thought the use of bold type was frowned upon in posts and just may just think twice about posting again if it causes this reaction. I felt my points were valid and again just my opinion

    Nature can only enrich our lives but we have to allow it into our hearts.
  • Rockchick - I did not take offence at your post, I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion.

  • Rockchick you did not offend me in the slightest so don't worry.  I just meant that we cannot choose not matter how much we wish and pray we could. Our human emotions like to think that Lady would retire in the sun and live a life well earned, and a new dynasty would begin at LOTL, however nature in the raw doesn't allow it and we can merely watch.  I do also understand that many bloggers are so attached to Lady and again our human emotions don't really want to think of how it will be if she doesn't return and if she does will she be healthy enough to see the season through.  emails and social media in all its forms often mean that others taken the written word the wrong way or not as you intended.  Don't worry about it and keep posting, we live in a democracy and everyone is entitled to an opinion :)

  • Laddie's on the nest 17:36

    (c) Scottish Wildlife Trust     Loch of the Lowes Osprey webcam

    Then it all became very pixellated - so only the one more capture as he sat surveying his territory!

  • How did you get such a fantastic screenshot Birdsong.   I see on my screen he is getting on with some housework.  ty for the heads-up that he was on the nest