The team are off to The Gambia on 7/1/2014 and Tim's latest Blog gives all the details. Watch this space.
Birdies LG DU update.
What a gorgeous day - now there's a Jackdaw inspecting the nest
(c) Rutland Ospreys
Hmm - think I'm going to need a new laptop and faster broadband!
Tiger and Chloe's Osprey Info
I looked and saw the raven :-)
Good news Mr Rutland is home. Wad delighted to hear that. I was reading their blog on 30. A very interesting read.
Marina Kyriacou
Presumably they mean "Glesni's grandad", as tweeted by DOP, Stingray :-)
In the meantime, a pair of Mallards sunning themselves on the Manton Bay nest :-)
[C] Leics & Rutland Wildlife Trust
or is it jackdaw??
Karen B said:Hmm - think I'm going to need a new laptop and faster broadband!
Don't get drawn into it, BIRDSONG!!! I can tell you, it quickly gets out of hand ;-)
Welcome back BS!! I too need a laptop, tried one with Win8, didn't like it so sent it back for refund, now looking for Win7 one!!
Hello Seagull, Scylla and Wendy. I'd forgotten a new laptop will have Win8 - really don't want that! Perhaps I'll just investigate a better hub and faster broadband. A timely warning, Scylla!!!
How nice to see you, Birdsong! Are you well?
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
hi birdsong, scylla and everyone :-)