Getting their feet wet!

I took a trip to Rutland Water on July 17th, arriving at 9am after a long drive.  It was to be a long day as I didn't leave until about 8.00 that evening.  It was worth staying there for such a length of time as I spent most of the day watching the three juveniles from the Manton Bay nest practising their flying skills in front of me - they were diving into the water, catching sticks and weed and sometimes completely immersing themselves!  I ended up taking nearly 1000 photos and it has taken me a long time to sort out which ones to post.  I hope that by posting these I can show you all what it looks like to watch young ospreys developing their fishing skills - not everyone can get to somewhere like this and just watch them.

Keep your eyes open as there are a lot more photos to come.  I hope you all enjoy these.

"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

Magnus Ullman

My Flickr account is here

  • Many thanks Limpy for sharing your lovely photos taken from Rutland Water! How lucky you were to see these beautiful birds (getting their feet wet! ) I am hoping to get up there one of these days.

  • LIMPY - Thanks for these pictures - there are non better than personal experiences taken by the camera.

    I agree - I have also sat for hundreds of hours at lochter watching juveniles doing the same over the trout fishery lochans and it is a great sight to watch them catching surface objects such as twigs and hone in their skills ready for the big day to catch their first fish.

    I always manage to get to Rutland at least once a year from Scotland (This year the birds were just short of fledging at Manton) so earlier than your self but now spoilt for choice in Perthshire and my trips up north.

    58 Willow - You must get up there one day.


  • Thanks for posting, Limpy - although a long day, you obviously enjoyed every minute of it.  I've seen ospreys, but never watched them fishing except for on TV, so its lovely to get a feel of what its like to see them learning this skill.

  • Limpy thanks so much. A very long day for you but well worth it, lots of wonderful memories foe you.

  • Thanks Limpy. Great captures, especially when the bird is enlarged. I have only seen adults fish, never a juvenile practising. I can understand you staying so long when you could see that action.

  • LIMPY What a lovely surprise to come on here and find some of your wonderful pictures. Thank you for posting and I look forward to seeing more. What a fantastic experience for you..........and stirred my memory of meeting you at RW

  • Thanks, Limpy, for posting these photos.  Watching the young Ospreys trying to fish must have been fascinating--I can see why you spent the whole day there!  We saw them about a month later than you did, late on the Sunday of Birdfair, but though we saw 4 Ospreys, none were fishing while we were there.  They must have been full up from catches earlier in the day, although one youngster was shouting for fish but being ignored by both parents!  Can't wait to go back next year!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Thank you, Limpy for showing these photos, please post more :) It must've been absolutely facinating to see youngsters in action. As you probably know I have taken thousands photos of adult ospreys but I have only seen once a juvenile fishing and that was before I bought camera. Lucky you!!!!

  • Outstanding LIMPY . What a truly wonderful day you had. I'm very envious   :)   Thank you so much for sharing.

  • That's the great thing about Lyndon Centre and Manton Bay, there are excellent views of the nest from Waderscrape and Shallow Water hides (quite a walk but worth it). Thanks for the pics Limpy and glad you had such a great time taking them. You too Patily, great that you managed a visit :)