Getting their feet wet!

I took a trip to Rutland Water on July 17th, arriving at 9am after a long drive.  It was to be a long day as I didn't leave until about 8.00 that evening.  It was worth staying there for such a length of time as I spent most of the day watching the three juveniles from the Manton Bay nest practising their flying skills in front of me - they were diving into the water, catching sticks and weed and sometimes completely immersing themselves!  I ended up taking nearly 1000 photos and it has taken me a long time to sort out which ones to post.  I hope that by posting these I can show you all what it looks like to watch young ospreys developing their fishing skills - not everyone can get to somewhere like this and just watch them.

Keep your eyes open as there are a lot more photos to come.  I hope you all enjoy these.

"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

Magnus Ullman

My Flickr account is here

  • Thank you very much, Milly.  It's really worth the visit as you get such a good view of the Manton Bay nest so I hope you do get there this year.  Do you live far from it?

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Limpy. I live in West Sussex, so quite a way away but we are going up to York in May so I'm hoping we can include a trip to RW. Whatever happens I will definitely get there at some point, your wonderful pictures have really made it a "must do" for me.

    So very sad to have seen the tragic news of Caledonia. Heartbreaking.