Green J .......A Famous Osprey

Here is the tracking page for Green J

  • Unknown said:

    Thank you TIGER. I've enjoyed  re  reading the entire thread. It's good that XD has a new mate - reminds me a little of Pale Male. Green J probably won't bother coming north next year -  happy retirement girl. Maybe you and Lady will have a few 'girls day outs'

    Oh  I am so glad you enjoyed reading this thread. It makes it all feel worthwhile. 

  • Updates from RD on Green J

    12 August 2015:  The transmitter has failed so the next possibility is that she will be recorded again at her wintering site in Spain

    and then

    7 December 2015:  Email from Javier Prieta who has reported Green J in previous winters. He has seen an osprey on four visits to Gabriel y Galan reservoir between 20 October and 22 November and saw the transmitter on one occasions. Feels sure it is Green J and will try to confirm. I think it must be her as this is very far north in inland Spain for a wintering osprey. Obviously the transmitter’s battery is dead.

    There is no further update on her.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • It will be fascinating to see what happens with Green J this year. Will she try to reclaim her nest? 

  • It was sad to learn that she had been ousted by an unringed female.  Reading Roy's blog on XD suggested that the unringed female may have ousted Green J in May, and she stuck around for the remainder of the season.  There is no suggestion that they produced chicks.  Fingers crossed for Green J's return.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • A9Birds on FB has posted the following on their FB page:

    23 Feb 2016  A9Birds added 2 new photos.   Part 4 in our ringed Osprey series, to mark the 50th anniversary year of ringing these magnificent birds in Scotland, indeed the UK.

    Today it's the turn of female Green 5B, known by some as 'Beatrice' having been given the name when Roy Dennis placed a satellite tag on her for the first time in 2008. Green 5B was ringed as a chick in Aberdeenshire on 8 July 2000, and was recorded three years later in Moray.

    Confirmed as breeding in 2004, she's had a mix of mates and nest sites but when Roy placed the sat tag on her on 9 July 2008, it was at what is her current nest which she's occupied since 2011. Green 5B is slightly unusual in that she over winters in Andalucia, Spain, rather than west Africa.

    We are really fortunate to count Green 5B as a neighbour, with her nest viewable from our back garden; so, as a result, two different views of her accompany this post. The first is taken in April last year, about a week after her return, as Roy and I flew over in a light aircraft during an aerial recce of potential nest locations in the local area - see if you can spot her white head! The second photo, taken with a powerful telephoto lens from about half a mile away and the image cropped, is of her and her two 2015 chicks at dusk one evening.

    We look forward to her safe return for the 2016 season in a few short weeks

    This was a 'public' post.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • RD has posted the following on his homepage about Green J - quote

    "Green J observed at Gabriel y Galan Reservoir"

    Good to know she is okay.

  • Hazel b said:

    It will be fascinating to see what happens with Green J this year. Will she try to reclaim her nest? 

    It certainly will be interesting to see what Green J does this season, and a great pity that her tracker failed.   Hopefully if there is any news Roy will pass it on in his blog.  

  • Great news, Tiger--thanks.

    Kind regards, Ann