Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), Sunday 25 August 2013


Here's a link to last week's Weekly Chat thread. The code for this week's Weekly Chat is WC250813 (in case you ever want to search for it from the search box).

I was away most of last week, and I think it's too late for me to get caught up on replies. I have read all of your news and have loved all the photos!

I enjoyed the report and pics from AQ's most recent trip (yay, ducks! And loved that pelican, also the big trees). Wonderful photos from Mulberry and NiteOwl (lilies are one of my very, very favorite flowers; yours are super lovely!). Beautiful dragonfly from Alicat.

I really loved the very majestic photos from Lindy -- ducks and deer! Woo hoo! That's an especially beautiful species of deer. Beautiful hibiscus from Alan. Love your increasingly subversive signatures, Alan. LOL! Glad that Mulberry saw an osprey! Happy belated birthday to Jess.

Glad that Cerist at Dyfi has been found! Nice to see Mike posting here. Brenda: Are you glad or relieved to say good-bye to the puppy? LOL

OG: Hope your sparrow hawk was okay after the window strike! Thanks for posting the excellent photos of handsome Diesel, handsome George, and your own beautiful self!

Nice to see Lynette. I hope you have a grand holiday in Austria.

I hope that Limpy is feeling better!

I'm so very glad that Margo has had good results from the chemo. Sending good energy to you, Margo.

Everyone have a great week! It's Indian Summer here and the temperatures this week will be 90 - 100 F (32.2 - 37.7 C) with very high humidity. Yuck.

  • Have a GREAT time, Clare and Limpy!!!

  • HI LINDY  Hope you enjoy yours trip away.

    OH has been back to the vet yesterday for more pain relief on top of metacalm. This has certainly helped and the extra time too. Dill certainly brighter this am. OH off to see vet nurse for a wound check, then vet again on Thurs. 

  • NITEOWL/MULBERRY Enjoy your trip away. CLARE/LIMPY  Have a good day.

  • Hello everyone, 1st visit for ages and have not yet had a proper read but am very pleased to see that MARGO's treatment is starting to take effect.  I am so pleased to see that you have good support and send warm wishes.

    Hi to everyone else, hope everyone is well and best wishes to anyone under the weather.  Must now try and get on here regularly again as I've missed so much.

  • Good Morning Everyone

    I will also be out for most of the day. It is club finals day at the bowls club. After all the competitions during the day followed by cup presentations, we then enjoy an evening meal together, ordered from outside caterers. OH is playing at the moment. I had to spend time, last night, polishing the cup he won last year, before returning it this morning.

    Diane, Thanks for explaining the Nexus alert. I did wonder what it was all about.

    OG, I hope your eye is not being too much of a problem and that the treatment works this time.

    I hope Linda and Mulberry/ NiteOwl have a great time.

    Lovely to see Cirrus posting on here. Also Trish. Do post more Trish, we do miss you.

    {{{ Hugs }}} to Margo, always thinking of you.

    I must go now. Enjoy your day Everyone.

  • Can't really catch up - done a speed-read of yesterday, but with only half an eye - inflamed eye is responding to treatment, but I now have a cold, so can't see straight anyway!  Sitting here by window watching a young blackbird on the ground - can't see injuries, but it's obviously very shocked, with a few feathers around, so probably another Sparrowhawk victim: that makes three in three days!  Got photos yesterday - beautiful bird!

    We cut down our plans for Environmental Arts Festival yesterday - just went to the exhibition of the planned Star of Caledonia border sculpture, and then to a big gathering in the evening with a piece of new music about the work of James Clark Maxwell, one of D&G's many famous sons, and talks about the border land history, climate change and the future (or is it already too late?) - a lot to take in but very much enjoyed by the three of us.  We didn't stay for the ceilidh!  OH and I are going to see some festival films this evening, then the event is moving west, so we shall not travel into Galloway over the remaining two days.

    Blackbird has gone - don't know whether it recovered and flew, SH came back for it or somebody picked it up - it had been attracting attention from passers by!


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Clare Bailey said:

    I'm in shock!  I've just read that the Boomtown Rats are touring this autumn, with Bob Geldof!!!  OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!

    Yes, I'm absolutely over the moon as you all might have guessed.  Too young to see them first time around.

    Here you go, Clare! This was at the Isle of Wight festival in July, their successful return, tour now to follow!

    . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jV1-PgpY5w4

  • Afternoon all,

    Just got back from Stamford which was really busy today and will be even busier next week with the Burghley Horse Trials. Had lunch at Elton Garden Store. Another lovely day but a bit fresher. Just took this pic of our blue Hibiscus especially for Margo:


  • Yippee just heard that the World Conker Championships are definately on and at Southwick which is nearer and a village I know well.

    WCC 2013