Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), Sunday 25 August 2013


Here's a link to last week's Weekly Chat thread. The code for this week's Weekly Chat is WC250813 (in case you ever want to search for it from the search box).

I was away most of last week, and I think it's too late for me to get caught up on replies. I have read all of your news and have loved all the photos!

I enjoyed the report and pics from AQ's most recent trip (yay, ducks! And loved that pelican, also the big trees). Wonderful photos from Mulberry and NiteOwl (lilies are one of my very, very favorite flowers; yours are super lovely!). Beautiful dragonfly from Alicat.

I really loved the very majestic photos from Lindy -- ducks and deer! Woo hoo! That's an especially beautiful species of deer. Beautiful hibiscus from Alan. Love your increasingly subversive signatures, Alan. LOL! Glad that Mulberry saw an osprey! Happy belated birthday to Jess.

Glad that Cerist at Dyfi has been found! Nice to see Mike posting here. Brenda: Are you glad or relieved to say good-bye to the puppy? LOL

OG: Hope your sparrow hawk was okay after the window strike! Thanks for posting the excellent photos of handsome Diesel, handsome George, and your own beautiful self!

Nice to see Lynette. I hope you have a grand holiday in Austria.

I hope that Limpy is feeling better!

I'm so very glad that Margo has had good results from the chemo. Sending good energy to you, Margo.

Everyone have a great week! It's Indian Summer here and the temperatures this week will be 90 - 100 F (32.2 - 37.7 C) with very high humidity. Yuck.

  • How lovely to see Red Admirals (plural I notice !  ) on your shrubs LINDY. Peacocks are amazing aren't they - so big and beautiful.

    I'm going on fine thank you LINDY and CLARE - a little tendon problem behind the knees - but although I do not understand it , that was the heat not the terrain on last week's hike !!

    I hope both of you are doing well, and that LIIMPY  (CLARE) is doing better after his bad patch.

  • CIRRUS   nice to hear from you anytime.

    nice to hear from you OG, always good to chat.

  • Morning all: As I type, three orioles are scoping out the hummingbird feeder outside the window. But why oh why don't they use the oriole feeder at the other side of the house, hung up especially for them!  Slightly cooler today; we've topped 90F only three days so far this year - at least on this part of the coast.  Not only are some of our trees turning, but it's spider-web time, when you go out first thing and walks into all these webs strung across walkways overnight. Eeeek. 

    Lindybird: OMG - there I was, thinking the grand hall at Little Moreton was on the ground floor. But no!  It's waaaay up there on top of all the other wonky bits. (Wonder how long it's been wonky.)   Love the cartoon.

    Diane: How about we sponsor a couple of those badgers? Could they enter the U.S. as refugees in fear of their lives in their homeland?  I know you've got room. I could talk to our cat and see if she'd agree to share the garden. :-)

    Cirrus:  Nice to see you and hope you're doing okay. Please pop in when you have the chance and don't worry about keeping up!  :-)   All is well here. It helps to remember that California is a HUGE state -770 miles (1240 kilometers) long and 250 miles (400km) wide.  If we had a fire nearby, LG folks would certainly hear about it from me. Oddly enough, if a fire burns shrub and low growth; it's generally considered good for the forest (not so sure about the wildlife); it's bad news when the tops of the trees catch fire coz those trees don't recover and it's very hard to fight at that point. There's some debate as to whether we should control fires at all. They used to be allowed to burn large areas regularly in the "old" days and that set the scene for healthy new growth.  Of course, people have encroached into wildfire areas and now we end up trying to save entire communities.  I heard that in at least one very swish area in either Idaho or Colorado, insurance companies were sending their very own fire engines in to save multi-million dollar "cabins" owned by celebs.

    Re responding to posts, sometimes I don't respond, especially when it's a topic two or three people are engaged in and about which I know nothing (the Falkirk Wheel and Little Moreton Hall aside) but I still read all the posts.  Off to start the day, which includes juicing the Valencias I picked the other day - this is a month-long task!!   Take care everyone.

  • dibnlib:  How is Dillon today?  I expect he's feeling a bit sorry for himself, dogs always hate wearing that collar.

    Buzz is excited because he can see me piling things up in the hall for our weekend.

  • Unknown said:

    How lovely to see Red Admirals (plural I notice !  ) on your shrubs LINDY. Peacocks are amazing aren't they - so big and beautiful.

    I'm going on fine thank you LINDY and CLARE - a little tendon problem behind the knees - but although I do not understand it , that was the heat not the terrain on last week's hike !!

    I hope both of you are doing well, and that LIIMPY  (CLARE) is doing better after his bad patch.

    Limpy's all right if he doesn't do too much - he tires out very easily at the moment.  We might be going to Sculthorpe Moor tomorrow - fingers crossed!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • We are off shortly - here are a couple of pics from our garden to cheer up the weekend:  I hope Everyone has a good one.

    (roses on our archway - they really are about 12 feet high!!)

        -- this poppy grew right through the metal bench we had to paint (or rather, He had to repaint!! - its good to have staff!)

    EDIT   Annette:  Send us some of the oranges, I adore them.

    Cirrus:  The Peacock is one of my favourites, too.

    OG:  Hope the eye is already improving, with all the meds.

    Limpy:  Don't do too much....


  • I've been taking some more pictures of our lovely garden birds:

    I'm so pleased our long-tailed tits are appearing again - they're so adorable!

    I'm hungry - please feed me!

    I know they're a very common bird but I think they're great!

    Aren't their colours lovely?

    I'm delighted to say that our goldfinch numbers are slowly increasing - Limpy counted eight on the tree earlier.  I couldn't resist snapping this gorgeous youngster!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Have a great weekend, Lindy!  I'll look forward to photos when you get back.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thanks Clare..... love the L. T. Tits, too.

  • Unknown said:

    Diane: How about we sponsor a couple of those badgers? Could they enter the U.S. as refugees in fear of their lives in their homeland?  I know you've got room. I could talk to our cat and see if she'd agree to share the garden. :-)

    Annette: We should at least be able to get the government to grant a couple of those badgers political asylum!

    The raccoons here are utterly fearless, and this summer, they've been strutting around the land like they own the place. I'll bet one of those U.K. badgers would give them a fright! They might learn some humility. LOLOL

    The raccoons woke me up last night causing a ruckus on the deck. :-) Sounded like they were dancing again!