Breagh, last to leave, may not be as hungry as we think, since he may be fishing for himself, and we will not see it. Will Odin's apparent departure spur him on to leave on migration south for 2-3 yrs? ENS to come for fall, winter and part of spring... until EJ and Odin return. May they be safe.
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
Yes, PATILY, I believe he has gone too . Finally recognizing dad wasn't around to bring a fish any more
What a din Breagh is making, off screen of course. Wish he would show himself.Sounds desparate for food.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
If he has gone then it must be his ghost making all the fuss - he sounds desparate.
Sheila, I've sent you a message.
"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."
Magnus Ullman
My Flickr account is here
Breagh is definitely still around as you can hear his din but not see him.
LYNETTE, sorry to deflate you but I'm sure you must have another nest coming thru - have you got Dyfi open? I've listened diligently from before 1730 to 1740 and have nothing but HUMMBUZZ (but at least that reassures me that my sound is working!).
Night cam is on but I don't know at what time it came on as I was not here,
Sorry Cirrus, forgot to acknowledge your post. I have been coming on from time to time but not as frequent as before.
Here's Madam, better late than never with her NIGHTCAM contribution ;-) Looks like BIRDIE's and my streams are not quite synchronous, so take yer pick ;-D
NIGHTCAM @ 2052hr
Well, there's nothing else to report :'(