Virtual Tour of the Loch Garten Visitor Centre and the surrounding area - taken June 4th, 2013

For anyone who has not visited Loch Garten, or is not able to - you may wish see what it is like inside and out the Osprey Visitor Centre

  • Unknown said:


    Could maybe visit LOTL next week Mary lol

    It could be a possibility, you never know :-)

  • Lol Mary and was only jesting :)

  • Seagull I took a couple of photos on Tuesday, and thought of you LOL....  I hope that by your name you like these birds.  

    We often don't think of taking photos of them, but I love how clean and white they look.   I really do hope you like Seagulls or I am going to look pretty silly posting these LOL...

  • Unknown said:

    Seagull I took a couple of photos on Tuesday, and thought of you LOL....  I hope that by your name you like these birds.  

    We often don't think of taking photos of them, but I love how clean and white they look.   I really do hope you like Seagulls or I am going to look pretty silly posting these LOL...

    MARY gk  i LOVE MOST ANIMALS  BUT  not too fond of the humans!!!!!!!!!! 

  • MaryGK how kind of you to think of me after taking these pics!!! my name is a private joke but I agree with you that they look beautiful and strong with their clean white coats dont they! and how could you look silly for posting any pics, especially when you were thinking of me ;-) so kind of you. thank you :-))

  • Mary, the Seagull pics are lovely.