Virtual Tour of the Loch Garten Visitor Centre and the surrounding area - taken June 4th, 2013

For anyone who has not visited Loch Garten, or is not able to - you may wish see what it is like inside and out the Osprey Visitor Centre

  • Unknown said:

    Who do we know who likes travel and Ospreys enough to do all that then Tiger????!!!!

    Well I am not saying that they have to be done by the same person.

    [/quote]Tiger I have to smile.

    edit I think Mary has started something


    LOL B&B, maybe Virtual Tour Videos will be popping up all over the place now.... :-)

  • Wasn't the Loch Garten  visitor centre burned down in 1990?

  • I seem to recall something like that, was it written about in Life of Ospreys?    Not sure now, but certainly rings a bell Tiger!

  • Mike B said:

    Tiger is correct. Details are here.

    Thank you Mike. That is a fascinating document. It kind of shows how RT developed his interest in composting :)

  • Yep that is definitely correct!  My first visit to Loch Garten was to the temporary structure.  

  • Thanks Mike for the link to the info confirming Tiger's thoughts.

    Valc - I am impressed, that is a long time ago so you are one of the very early followers, you didn't tell me that LOL...