Hi there,

The eagle-eyed among you will have noticed that the feeder-cam is now up and running on the Carnyx webpage but not, as yet, on the RSPB Loch Garten page.

Typically, there are no birds to be seen - but it's cold and sleety here at the moment.

I've just got back from annual leave today (it's half term up here) and whilst I was off my colleague, Phil, managed to sort the satellite internet with help down the phone from Peter. However, as I discovered when I opened up the webpage myself just ten minutes ago, it seems that the web team at The Lodge need to do some jiggery-pokery down there, in order to stream the image on the RSPB site. Needless to say, I've contacted them and they will be seeing to this when they can. 

One step forward, two steps back...but we're nearly there! Meanwhile, Gordon and Peter and fitting the osprey cameras next week, weather permitting. At present, we have a healthy covering of snow, but as long as it's not too wet and windy for the ladder scaling, all should be ok. As ever, fingers crossed, please!

Site Manager (People), RSPB Abernethy National Nature Reserve