Hello everyone! Ellie here, with very exciting news from Loch Garten...WE HAVE TWO OSPREY EGGS ON THE NEST!!!

Two, you ask? Yes, Odin and especially EJ, have been very busy so I will give you an update on all the exciting events that have happened in the past few days here. We were delighted to see on Sunday evening that EJ laid her first egg of the season.  She had been sitting amongst a great pile of nesting material that Odin had delivered, obviously intended to give the egg extra protection! After all the mating that's been going on every day since Odin's return we did suspect that the first egg was on its way, but that did not dampen our excitement when we all heard the news.

 EJ laid her first egg among some very generous nesting material from Odin!

We also had a bit of a scare on Monday, as there was an intruding male bothering EJ on the nest. We have had several intruding males since EJ's return, but she has not been remotely interested in any of them. It seems that she only has eyes for Odin! She has scared away every intruding male by mantling (hunching or arching her shoulders and spreading her wings to appear threatening and powerful) and chasing them away. However, the male that came in on Monday was very persistent and actually landed on the nest. When EJ tried to frighten him away she accidental stepped back onto the egg. As you can imagine, this was heart breaking to watch and we were terrified that she may have damaged the egg. It's not all doom and gloom though, as EJ has turned the egg over several times since the accident and it doesn't appear as though there is any damage.

Yesterday we witnessed some thrilling aerial chases as Odin attempted to see off the pesky crows that have been hanging around the nest site. Although his efforts did buy some respite, today the crows have been back pestering him on his favourite perch! It's important that Odin keeps an eye on the troublesome corvids as if they get a look at the eggs while left uncovered, they could easily have them away for a tasty snack. We'll keep you posted! 

And then, just this lunchtime, we witnessed the delivery of a second egg, which is fantastic news again. EJ was seen fidgeting and looking distinctly uncomfortable just after 12'o'clock and then briefly stood up to reveal her second bundle of joy! This means that even if the first egg has been damaged there is still a good chance of another chick being hatched.

                                            EJ with her two eggs

EJ will spend the next 5-6 weeks on the nest, incubating the eggs, and who knows... maybe there will be a third egg in 2-3 days time.

Whilst I am here I may as well introduce myself... my name is Ellie and I am very excited to be based here at Abernethy for the next six months. I am a full time volunteer doing a Visitor Experience Internship. I used to come up here for walking holidays when I was growing up, so I am very excited to be able to live and work in such an amazing place! I am passionate about conservation and obsessed with the Caledonian Forest, so I am trying to begin a career in this area. I graduated from Edinburgh University last year where I studied Biological Sciences and did an Honours year in Plant Science. My degree fueled my passion for the natural environment and inspired me to start volunteering for conservation charities such as the RSPB, so that I could help to make a difference.

During my internship I will be working mostly in the Osprey Centre. I am very excited to meet all of you lovely Osprey enthusiasts, and to welcome all newcomers and tell you about our beautiful birds. I am also very interested in the other projects that are happening on the reserve to extend the range of the Caledonian Forest and gain better understanding of species such as capercailie, pine marten and the pine hoverfly. I will also be spending some time with the research team helping them with these exciting projects, so if any of you are interested in the wider work that the RSPB are doing here then please come and ask me when you're next in the Osprey Centre.

Bye for now,
