Good afternoon nature lovers,

Time for a quick LG update, methinks. After intermittent showers yesterday, it seems the rain has well and truly settled in for the long haul. EJ has been in view this morning, looking decidedly miserable, it must be said. Whether  this was due to the wet conditions or the presence of a particularly bold crow, perched just inches away from her, we can't be sure. Anthropomorphism it may be, but EJ definitely looks like she's in a bad mood! 


EJ and her new "friend"

EJ's less-than-sunny disposition comes as even more of a surprise given the fact that yesterday evening she was treated to an incredible sky dancing display by a male osprey. All the swooping and calling was obviously worth it as EJ was impressed enough to fly up and join our mystery man. They were last seen heading off into the sunset together, giving us hope that this might be the start of something beautiful. Her appearance alone this morning, however, suggests that perhaps that first date didn't go as well as hoped. Or maybe she just doesn't want to rush into anything.

Away from the ospreys, many other species continue to keep us entertained around the centre. Today we've had not one, not two, but three red squirrels on our feeders, acrobatically hanging upside down while they munch their way through the complimentary peanuts. It's interesting to note that these peanut-fiends tend to be more actively looking for food, and therefore more likely to be seen, during the morning. I've noticed that by 11am, squirrel activity has significantly slowed! Although we do see them at random points throughout the day, if you want to improve your chances of a nice red squirrel sighting, get here early! 

A hungry red squirrel!

We've also had an official recount of goldeneye eggs in the nestbox. Gloria was off for one of her daily feeds and, because of the warm weather, left many of her clutch uncovered. Although originally we believed there were 15 eggs, I am sure I counted 17. As usual I have been overruled (or maybe ignored completely) and we've decided to announce the total as 16.  This is still a massive amount of eggs for a goldeneye (normally they lay around 9 or 10) and Gloria will have her hands (wings) full if all or most of them hatch! The ducklings are expected any day now so if you're planning to visit this week, you may be lucky enough to watch them leave the nestbox via a death-defying leap of faith! Such an amazing thing to witness.

That's all from me for now. I wish you all a terrific Tuesday!
