Supporters of Loch Garten F.C. are celebrating today after receiving confirmation that one their heroes, Odin, has returned to the club after a winter-long absence. Since his high profile move abroad towards the end of last season, it was always touch-and-go as to whether we'd see Odin back at Loch Garten for another spell but, after the web became awash with rumoured sightings yesterday, the news was today confirmed by team insiders. Odin is back for his ninth season with LG, a period that has coincided with continued success at The Nest (as their stadium is nicknamed...). A major part of this success has been Odins prolific partnership with another superstar, EJ, who herself only arrived back recently. Between them, the two have successfully fledged 17 chicks, due largely to the quality of Odins (fish) delivery and EJ's uncanny ability to finish them off! I'm sure all fans of Loch Garten will join us in welcoming Odin back to the area.

                                         Superstars - EJ and Odin back together again

LGFC decided to open their doors today, to let adoring fans catch a glimpse of their favourite ospreys and Odin has certainly been playing up to the crowds - posing on prominent perches and strutting around The Nest. I'm sure too, that it will have been a welcome bonus to see him and EJ getting on so well...! With the Osprey Centre open from 10am to 5pm everyday until the start of September, fans have plenty of opportunities to see their heroes in action. Why not come along and see for yourself?

This year, under the stewardship of manager Jess Tomes, an exciting team has been assembled at Loch Garten, with a mix of youth and experience that may have helped tempt Odin back from his African adventure. Old-hands Chris Tilbury, Sarah White and Fergus Cumberland have been retained, providing know-how, experience and discipline, not to mention some tired legs. These veterans will be lining up alongside some new acquisitions; Alice Hadley, star of the highly regarded Leighton Moss Rovers has been signed in what is something of a coup for LGFC, along with prodigious youngsters Blair Johnston and Ellie Corsie, who are sure to provide supporters with plenty of reasons to cheer over the course of the season. Then, of course, there's the skilful retail team of Julie, Julie and Julia, always looking to sell you a dummy (or a window feeder), the three-pronged attack of regular local volunteers Mike, Rob and Frank and, of course, our numerous residential volunteers providing an impregnable defence (of the nest). Stay tuned over the coming days for the team to introduce themselves and explain how they came to join Loch Garten!

Here we go, here we go, here we go...