Good morning all,

Another quick update from the Loch Garten nest for you. Activity has been regular over the past week or so, with EJ still attracting attention from a couple of curious males! The unringed bird who has spent time on the nest with EJ (even attempting to mate at one point!) continues to come and go fairly regularly and appears to be winning EJ's favour. Admittedly this is difficult to tell as EJ does tend to look quite grumpy most of the time but the fact that she is even allowing him on and around the nest suggests there is some interest.

This morning we have already seen a fair bit of activity. When we arrived at the centre, ready to open up, we were treated to EJ sitting on the nest, looking rather beautiful in the morning light. We noticed that at one point she engaged in a ferocious battle with a piece of grass sticking up out of the nest. Needless to say, EJ emerged victorious from that particular skirmish...


You're grass-king for it....                                                                ...take that!

Having seen off the pesky plant, EJ was then forced to turn her attention to a much more serious problem in the form of her old adversary, CT6. CT6 is a female osprey who was seen earlier in the season dive-bombing EJ on the nest, not long after Odin's disappearance. She has been a regular thorn in EJ's side feathers ever since and has regularly been spotted on or around the nest, apparently sizing up her chances of taking over from EJ. Our overnight volunteers, Val and Alison (as well as our ever-vigilant online heroes) then informed us that already this morning, CT6 has spent a great deal of time sitting on our nest alongside a male! The cheek!

Moving in...?

So, having been on the nest for quite a while already, CT6 then decided to reappear just as EJ was sky-dancing (maybe she's decided that waiting for a man to come to you just doesn't work and that a more proactive approach is called for)! The cheeky newcomer flew to the nest but was not allowed to settle for long. As we watched, enthralled, EJ folded in her wings and dive-bombed the intruder, causing CT6 to hastily take flight.

Nest wars by Alison Elder

It's great to see EJ actively defending her nest but with CT6 becoming ever braver and persistent, and apparently very friendly with a male, EJ will have her work cut out to maintain possession of the nest. If she can form a strong bond with a male, it would mean she'd have a bit of help in defending her breeding site. As I finish this blog, an unringed male has just landed on and taken off from the camera tree...EJ didn't seem to be too happy though, mantling furiously! And it's not just ospreys she needs to worry about...


Chaffinches galore!

Have a great Wednesday everyone and see you soon