Dear EJ,

Thank you for registering with "Catch of the Day", the UK's number one osprey dating service. The profile you recently submitted has been combined with the personal preferences you indicated and cross-referenced against our extensive database of single males. I am pleased to tell you that so far we have found 3 matches for you to cast your eagle-like eye over. If any of the three "tickle your talons", as we say, please let us know and we will be delighted to set up an introduction. We will, of course, stay in regular contact and let you know if any further males respond to your profile although you will probably notice these yourself as they soar overhead, serenading you with tuneful song and carrying a large trout.

Once again, many thanks for choosing "Catch of the Day" and may we take this opportunity to wish you the best of luck in your pursuit of the perfect pandionidae.

Warm regards,

The "Catch of the Day" team

Putting the zest in your nest x

 Profile 1     

Name: FC8

 Leg ring colour: Blue

Age: That's a gentlemans prerogative

Likes: Travelling (especially Northwest Africa and the Scottish Highlands), long flights in the country, fishing.

Dislikes: Crows, frozen lochs, moulting!

Three words to describe yourself: Young, free, single.

 Profile 2     

Name: FC5

Leg ring colour: Blue 

Age: Young at heart

Likes: Preening, eating (fish) and admiring my incredible feet.

Dislikes: Wind, rain, snow.

Three words to describe yourself: Avian, amiable, available.

 Profile 3     

Name: FC

Leg ring colour: Still waiting for a ring...

Age: 23

Likes: Bad facial hair, leggings, Peru.

Dislikes: Feathers, heights and raw fish. 

Three words to describe yourself: Handsome, devilishly charming.