If only Sarah Loudon would write a blog telling us the latest news from Loch Garten. Oh, hang on, what do we have here...

Afternoon folks, Sarah here!

It’s my pleasure to tell you all the good news (although I’m sure there are lots of you who already know this) - we officially have an empty nest for the first time this season because Willow, our youngest chick, fledged just before 9 this morning. The team at the centre have been watching with anticipation for the past couple of days and the centre has been full of visitors all watching and cheering him on every time he helicoptered above the nest! But it was this morning (before the team arrived at work mind you) that he finally took the leap. Our wonderful volunteers Sue and Luke watched the whole thing and have kindly provided us with photos of the event. I tell you what, we do feel like rather proud parents right now. And I’m sure we’re not the only ones - Willow is EJ’s 25th chick to fledge from this nest! She really is a very good mother.


Up,up and away! Willow's first flight! (courtesy of Susan Freeman)

Since flying around for a few minutes Willow has spent most of the day sitting on the camers tree practising his perching skills. After living on a relatively flat nest he has to get his balance right while sitting in trees. He has been facing into the wind and using his strong talons to grip on tightly, but even then he has been wobbling just a wee bit. He’ll soon get the hang of it just like his brother Rowan has. As for their parents- Odin is still the provider of food, EJ has yet to fish for herself but that is likely to happen soon now that her chicks have fledged. Then before we know it the family will start their migration one by one and we will look forward to the beginning of next season.


We have touch down. Willow (top) joins EJ and Rowan on the camera tree. (courtesy of Susan Freeman)

Before that happens though please visit us if you can! There is not only the osprey family to see but Blue tit, Crested Tit and Greater Spotted Woodpecker youngsters have been growing up around the centre. From the kiosk you might see a persistent blue tit chick feeding itself or check out the peanut feeder up at the centre to see the woodpecker youngsters with their bright red caps on their heads.

If there are any human youngsters that fancy a bit of extra fun we have lots of new activities to try. As you walk up from the kiosk there are activity boxes next to the path in which are instructions for self-led fun. Try your hand at building your very own osprey nest before you sit on the eggs or carry a trout in. Or if you have an adventurous spirit you can go hunting for minibeasts to look at under a magnifying glass. Or perhaps my favourite activity which is called “Hug a tree”. Now I won’t ruin the surprise but I can tell you there are blindfolds and spinning involved before you really test your senses.


One of our self-led activity boxes...come and try them all!

Right that’s all from me folks. TTFN.

Site Manager (People), RSPB Abernethy National Nature Reserve