She's back! Our favourite feathered female, EJ, has returned to us from her winter sun

EJ with her post-flight meal!

Yes, we've just spotted Loch Gartens' long serving female osprey perched underneath the nest devouring a nice, big trout. For the past few days, I've been hopefully sticking my head out of the centres' viewing slots every couple of minutes, like something from a "Whack-a-Mole" game, eagerly scoping out the known osprey perches. Every single time, I would get my hopes up and be sure that EJ would be there, checking over her nest for necessary renovations or preening herself on a prominent perch. But, every single time, my hopes were dashed and all I saw were empty trees, osprey-less branches and distinctly un-fishy perches. So, at 4:45 this afternoon, just as I was leaving the centre for the day, I almost didn't have the one last look I'd previously been treating myself to. The lights were off, the key was in my hand and my scarf and mittens were firmly on (my Mum worries about me catching cold...) but I decided that I would take the tiniest peek out of the smallest slot just in case...and there, under the nest was a dark shape that looked a bit like an osprey! Binoculars confirmed the species, and the camera confirmed the individual (courtesy of her trademark white leg-ring). 

The girl is back in town!

EJ is 20 years old this summer and this will be her 15th season at Loch Garten. Despite flying up to 3500 miles over the past few weeks she looks amazingly healthy and relaxed (I look awful after a one hour flight to Bristol. Although, actually, EJ doesn't have to worry about limited leg room like I do...). She's a really amazing bird and I'm sure you'll all agree it's brilliant to have her back safe and sound. Let's hope that this year she adds to her tally of 25 successfully fledged chicks.

Now all we need is Odin...

Site Manager (People), RSPB Abernethy National Nature Reserve