Our woes continue, and whilst we had a great day for putting up the cameras last Tuesday, we have a problem with the main camera which goes on the tower. When we tested it, the colours were wrong and it's been sent off to get fixed. So, Plan B has swung into action, just in case, and Peter is supplying us with a camera which he hopes to be able to install early next week. Fortunately we were earlier than usual with getting the cameras installed this year, so we should be ok timewise. Remember EJ turned up early last year and even that wasn't till 21 March, so we still have time to get sorted.

All being well, we will be switching the camera to the osprey camera at the same time as its installation - I'm sorry, I can't be any more specific with a date.

As for the webcam, I'm hopeful that it'll be sorted TODAY! All the signs are good...so fingers and toes crossed please.

Site Manager (People), RSPB Abernethy National Nature Reserve