We were greeted by exciting news this morning when we arrived at the centre.  As you will have realised from the title of the blog, it was not the return of Henry, but the arrival of a third egg!

 We believe that the egg was probably laid just after 8.00am, as the volunteers watching the nest had the first clear sighting of it at 8.11am.  We are all very excited, especially us first time Osprey Information Assistants, as this is now a full clutch. 

This egg is pale and dark pink in colour, and looks very different to the other two eggs at the moment, but don't be worried by this.  The pale pink should fade as time passes to the cream colour of all the other eggs.  The darker egg colouring is due to the time spent in the egg tract, the patterning of the egg is made from the way that the egg moved through the egg chamber. 

Orange VS has been very supportive.  Providing EJ with an 18 inch Pike yesterday morning followed by a 16 inch Trout for supper, a good supply of fresh fish is essential for EJ while she lays eggs. 

This morning he was on hand to chase off an intruding osprey, who passed by the nest shortly after 9.30am.  As I write (11.30am) Orange VS is away from the nest, and EJ and I hope that he has gone to get her a fish!

As regards Henry, it is still just alot of questions as Dave mentioned yesterday?  Will he come back?  When?  What will he do?  Will Orange VS stay?  One thing is for sure, it is going to be a very exciting and nerve-wracking few days or weeks as we wait to see what happens while the eggs are incubating, nevermind a TV soap, this is becoming more like a Hollywood film!