This is just a short post to keep you updated. Apologies that it cannot be longer, but the centre and media have been taking up all of our time.

As many of you will now know, I'm sorry to have to tell you that EJ and Odin's third chick passed away in the night. To be honest, she/he lasted longer than I expected, having had no fish at all. Obviously, Odin is still absent and there are still intruding ospreys hanging around the nest every now and then. I am pleased and relieved to be able to tell you that EJ left the nest this morning and returned with a fish - her first feed for nearly four days. 

We suspect that EJ will continue to stay at the nest until August, defending it from other females and hopefully, if Odin doesn't return, starting courtship with another male, ready for next season.

As ever, thank you to all of you who have sent us messages of support. It really does help in what is a hugely emotional time. 

EJ's first feed in four days



Site Manager (People), RSPB Abernethy National Nature Reserve