There has been a complete wader fest at Langford over the last few weeks, with some excellent sightings including only a second ever for the site.

To begin with, there have been good numbers of some more common species including 5 bar-tailed godwits, 25 ringed plovers - a species that sometimes breeds at Langford, 34 avocets and a whopping 184 dunlin. The counts of ringed plover, avocet and dunlin are records for the reserve.

Scarcer species seen recently include 2 sanderling, 6 grey plover, 3 whimbrel and a little stint.

And so to our second record for the site....a pectoral sandpiper dropped in for the day on the 19th April. This species breeds in North America and east Asia and migrates to South America and Australia for the northern winter.

But it's not just waders that have been entertaining us recently, there have been plenty of other good birds too....a short-eared owl that dropped in on the 18th April was the first one in a few years here at Langford, 7 little gulls on the 23rd April was a site record, a kittiwake made a brief appearance on the 3rd May and a whopping 11 hobbys were hunting over the reserve on the 13th May.