It’s been a very hectic breeding season for all the birds at Langford Lowfields, but now it’s over and the birds have had a rest, they are starting to stretch their wings and go travelling.

We have had lots of interesting birds dropping in over the past month and here is just a glimpse of what has been seen

18 black tailed godwits

13 yellow legged gulls

9 little egrets

4 curlew sandpipers

3 little stint

And a Temminck's stint

And a black tern

And a whimbrel

(still waiting for the partridge and the pear tree)


But the star of the show must be the female peregrine falcon P6C. We get peregrines all the time at Langford but this one was special because she had an orange ring on her left leg and one of our falcon-eyed watchers was able to read the number on the ring. After some diligent research it was discovered that P6C (dubbed Pixie by her friends) was ringed as a nestling on 23 May 2018, at St Mary’s Church, Bottesford, just down the road from here.

So, at just 3 years old she is in her prime, and you should see her go!

Pixie the Peregrine.  Photo by the falcon-eyed James Wilkinson

Our seasonal trail is still, open giving superb views of the reserve so why don’t you drop is and see us too.  You will be very welcome.

Roger Golds

RSPB Langford Lowfields

Data Management Volunteer