I was joined by 32 visitors on Sunday 17th November, for the first of our 'Starling Spectacular'- themed walks.
The group saw approximately 3000 birds 'murmurating' for about 20 minutes, which at the time was the longest we'd seen this season.
As you'll have seen from Jenny's recent blog, the roost has now increased in size, as we'd hoped. This is probably due to 'our' birds being joined by continental birds that have been reported migrating over the east coast by the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology) recently.
As well as the starlings, other wildlife highlights included very good views of two roe deer and two whooper swans.
We only have a few places left on the December walk, but still plenty left on the January one. Details can be found on our web page.
Hoping to get along and see the display having been unsuccessful at RSPB Kirkby on Bain Pitts. Thanks to Charlie Barns for pointing me in your direction. Cheers.