Unusually, the water flowing down the face of the dam had frozen solid yesterday, like a still from a movie. There was a bitter wind and no sun.

Ideal conditions, therefore, for RSPB South Stack's volunteers' day out! One or two wanted to get in with the cattle in their warm shed, and the expectant ewes looked very snug too. No lambs yet, though all the mums have been scanned and separated - multiples being specially fed, barrens back up on the mountain. After lunch, a little walk over the dam and along the river - two dippers putting on a show - and then back in the minibus and off to look for a better route home, maybe? Anglesey to Vyrnwy by way of Llangower wouldn't have been my choice, Hayley.

It was very nice to see you all. Come and see us again when the leaves have burst. I know I'm definitely aiming to visit South Stack in the second half of May. Maybe a reverse works outing?


