All through the horrendous weather of recent weeks, we've continued to offer our weekend guided walks, starting from the RSPB shop.

Not surprisingly, the take-up during the winter has not been overwhelming. In fact, we've had no takers at all on several weekends recently. But now, yes, now, Spring is here! So we're expecting to meet lots of lovely people who want to be shown the best views with a few birds. It helps if you don't mind hearing us rhapsodise about the ingenious Straining Tower, the drowned houses, the medieval village, and so on. And on. And on.

So, if you're thinking of joining us for a weekend walk, these are the details: 

Every Sunday, we set out from the RSPB shop for a gentle stroll that lasts about an hour and a half. Times can vary a bit, depending on how busy it is, and we don't go early, because by and large people don't start arriving until mid-morning. Ask at the RSPB shop, or look out for a notice on the Coed y Capel (car park) hide. Usually the start time will be 11:30 am, and there may be another walk at 1:30 or 2:00 pm, if there's enough demand. Guides are friendly, very understanding of beginner birders and first-time visitors, and keen to make your visit memorable. From April to June, especially, we head for the woods, which means pied flycatchers, redstarts, and wood warblers, with whatever other treats we may come across on the way. Tree pipits, ravens, dippers, and some nice raptors are all possible.

There is no charge, everybody is welcome, but if you decide to join up, or leave a donation, that's great, of course!

NB - strong footwear and warm clothing - more than recommended - absolutely essential. 
