Things are livening up now (see Matt's "Recent Sightings"), and the next three months will be the best of the year for birds.

So - why not come on a weekend walk? Unsurprisingly, takers have been few over the last few weeks, but the weather seems to have bucked up and we don't anticipate further visits from the big yellow helicopter. Two guided walks are available every Sunday, though times may vary according to the number of people about. Usually, we go at 11:00 am and 1:30 pm. No need to book, but give us a ring before setting out - it helps us to know you're coming.

At present, the weekend walks are informal and free - though donations are always welcome. The idea is to introduce everybody, RSPB members and non-members, to the reserve and its nature and history, in a friendly, non-challenging way.

Other walk-centred events coming up are Birdlistening (Sunday next) and the Early Morning Walk - Bank Holiday Monday at 6:00 am! There is a charge for these events, and we will only run them if we have advance bookings.
