
Yes, there is still life at Lake Vyrnwy, even though Roger's gone off to greater things at Ynys-hir!

It's all very quiet at the moment, following months of rain and snow. Lambing hasn't quite started yet, it's too early for a chiffchaff (though they have had one singing at Ynys-hir already!), and there is very little about. We had 3 bramblings on the feeders at the Coed y Capel hide at the weekend, the woodpeckers are drumming around the place, and we watched a pair of ravens doing that wonderful upside-down frolicky spring-is-here thing over the dam on Sunday. Time for a bit of goshawk sky-dancing soon, do you think?

Last year's "Bird Listening" events were a great success, but we think we ran them a bit late (May) for most people (especially birdsong beginners) to get full benefit. We are thinking of arranging one for Easter Saturday this year, before most of the migrant arrival, to give people time to sort out their blackbirds from their song thrushes and their great tits from their coal tits. Your views would be most welcome - use the Comments section below - especially if you tell us you would come if we arranged it for Easter Saturday. We'll publish the details here as soon as we decide.

