Just back from a most interesting tree walk led by Dave and Gen, our long-term volunteers who are about to return to the totally treeless Skerries for the summer!

You really learn a lot when you go out with someone who knows what they are talking about - it's the best way. At this time of year, before the leaves have come out, you have to use other characteristics to identify the trees - shape or habit, bark, buds, the way the twigs form, colour, even smell! We spent the morning sorting out hazel from rowan from birch from alder, taking in a few deceptive conifers - so much information. By the end, I couldn't identify anything any more! But the main thing, as always, was learning to use the eyes, and getting out of the habit of walking around blindly, as we all do.

Really good stuff - thank you, Dave, thank you, Gen.
