A mixture of weather this week with both sunshine and rain has not stopped the influx of migrants to the reserve. Notables include:

Red Kite: Two birds circling high up over the blue trail yesterday evening. A surprising rarity at Vyrnwy

Pied Flycatcher: Increasing in numbers with many spotted on the blue and yellow trails in addition to the green trail

Redstart: Slowly increasing. Hotspots being lakeside and centenary hides along with the blue trail walk.

Lesser Redpoll: A small influx before they leave us for the summer. Some males beginning to display their breeding plumage from the Coed Y Capel hide.

Hen Harrier: Over the Moorland.

Grasshopper Warbler: First ones of the year heard (but not seen) along the Bala road.

Blackcap: First female of the year on the 25th.

There should be some swifts in the next couple of weeks coming in alongside the first spotted flycatchers and wood warblers of the year so keep your eyes and ears peeled.

Matt Heaver