Spring is finally here; the chiffchaffs have arrived and are singing away and the swallows are swooping around overhead. Furthermore, other spring migrants to arrive include the first Redstarts and Pied Flycatchers of the year. Other highlights of the week are as follows:

Osprey: One west over the reserve on the 15th and one remarkably flew right over the RSPB shop this morning. 

Cuckoo: First bird of the year seen and heard from the red trail on the 19th and 20st.

Hen Harrier: Seen over the moorlands.

Whinchat: Seen on the moorland yesterday.

Wheatear: Good numbers on the moorland now.

Common Sandpiper: Seen from the Lakeside hide yesterday.

Goshawk: Seen briefly from the blue trail.

Lesser Redpoll: One on the feeders in front of the Coed y Capel hide yesterday afternoon.

Now is a great time to go looking for migrants and other resident birds. As more birds begin to arrive for the breeding season there is a great window of opportunity to get great views of the birds before the trees begin to grow their leaves again. And who knows you might spot the first Wood Warbler or Spotted Flycatcher of the year here at Lake Vyrnwy.

Matt Heaver