Some good highlights this week as more birds are passing through or arriving.

Whimbrel: The highlight of the week with 4 birds perched on the dam for a couple of hours on Wednesday evening

Swift: The first birds have arrived and are screaming along the village rooftops

House Martin: Beginning to nest under the village eaves

Hen Harrier: Still present over the moorland. Keep an eye out if you are travelling along the Bala or Dinas roads

Red Kite: One seen over the north end of the reserve on the 16th.

Peregrine: Two birds seen regularly from the Lakeside hide.

Spotted Flycatcher: Not on the reserve strictly speaking but they have been reported north of Bala. Should be arriving here soon if they are not here already.

In addition there are still good numbers of the usual finches and tit species on the feeders outside the shop. A short walk through the village should be rewarded with sightings of Swallows, House Martins and Swifts. Further afield Wood Warblers, Pied Flycatchers and Redstarts may all be seen along the trails and from the Centenary hide.

Matt Heaver