This week there has been a concerted effort to remove some of the non-native invasive species that are unfortunately found on the reserve. Given the location of these we have had the chance to get to areas of the reserve not often explored. Along the River Vyrnwy the sound of Kingfisher and Dipper were a regular occurrence, with a Tawny Owl also being flushed from the woodland.

With so much Hazel in the area being covered it wasn’t too much of a surprise when the fungi, Hazel Glue (Glue fungi - Hymenochaete corrugate) was found. However, the amazing shapes which look more like artwork were quite impressive and had us scratching our heads about how they had been created. As the name suggests it glues deadwood (twigs, branches) on to the living tree off the ground which means it avoids the competition with the soil fungi species.

 Hazel Glue close-up.

Hazel Glue artwork – not a great image but all these twigs are glued together and are hanging off the branch just visible at the top of image.

It has been the non-avian species that has really caught the eye this week. A Broad-leaved Helleborine, a species of Orchid, was found within the woodland. This species hadn’t been recorded on the reserve for over 10 years and in a slightly different area to previous records.

Other sightings of interest has been, both Willow and Marsh Tits along Yellow Trail, Goshawk over village, 5 Little Grebe have remained at top of lake, and Jays are seemingly everywhere (flock of 14 along Green Trail). At this time of year Jays, along with numerous other species, are busy foraging for acorns and stashing them away ready for winter.

 Group of Jays


Macrolepidoptera of the Week

The most eye catching find of the week was a very colourful and spiky/hairy caterpillar found on a Hazel leaf. Sadly it was too difficult to get a photo, despite Gethin’s best attempts, but after a quick internet search it was fairly simple to identify as a Pale Tussock. A fairly common species in England and Wales with a few caught on the reserve earlier in the year.

 Pale Tussock
