
In a week dominated by glorious sunshine and blue skies the wildlife excelled itself with the arrival of Pied Flycatchers being my personal highlight. The first flycatchers were sighted from the Centenary Hide on 13th April and as the week progressed could also be found on the Yellow and Blue Trails.

 This Pied Flycatcher was photographed on the Yellow Trail during the week. Many Thanks to Gavin Chambers for the image.

The Sculpture Park provided some enjoyable wildlife watching with Crossbill singing in the tree tops (17th), Nuthatch, Treecreeper and Great Spotted Woodpecker on the tree trunks and a Stoat running around on the woodland floor (16th). The surrounding Willow and Rhododendron scrub held Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Goldcrest. A single Rook which flew over the park on the 15th was a notable record for the reserve.

 A flyover Rook was a good record for the reserve during the week. Gavin Chambers managed to capture this image of the bird.

Blooms of Lesser Celandine, Wood Anemone, Dog Violet and Wood Sorrell added a splash of colour to the deciduous woodland floor. Whilst invertebrates provided colour in the form of  butterflies with Orange tip, Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell and Green-veined White on the wing.

Bird of prey activity increased in the fine weather with Goshawk, Sparrowhawk and Common Buzzard sighted flying over the lake most days. Meanwhile the Lakeside Hide continues to be the best place to watch Peregrine Falcon which perch on the cliffs opposite.

A single Oystercatcher, a scarce vagrant to the reserve, was sighted near the Lake’s Pumping Tower (14th). The lake also played host to a pair of Great Crested Grebe (Lakeside Hide, 17th), 4+ Canada Geese, Goosander, Mallard Duck, Grey Wagtail and Swallows. Dipper could be seen on both the Afon Eiddew which enters the lake at its northern end as well as downstream of the dam. 

Redpoll passage was notable during the week with small numbers enjoying nyjer seed in the reserve bird feeders. Many Thanks to Gavin Chambers for this image taken during the week.

Macrolepidoptera Of The Week

Our headline moth this week is another beauty, Panolis flammea, the Pine Beauty. A master of disguise this colourful moth closely resembles a pine bud when at rest on a shoot.

