
It was a flower which stole the show at Vyrnwy this week. Bluebells looked truly stunning, turning whole hillsides blue as the display reached near peak. A range of other spring blooms added splashes of colour along the hedgerows and woodland edge including, Red Campion, Herb Robert, Yellow Pimpernel, Wood Avens, Meadow Buttercup and Lady’s Smock. With all the nectar around it perhaps wasn’t surprising that there were also lots of butterflies including Green Hairstreak, Orange-tip, Peacock and Green-veined White.

Whole hillsides were transformed as the bluebell display reached near peak on the reserve.

The Visitor Centre and Sculpture Park was a hive of activity with House Martins busy nest building, Swifts screaming up and down the road, a single Pied Flycatcher singing its heart out opposite the Visitor Centre, whistling Bullfinch in the Sculpture Park scrub, Jay foraging at the feeders and at least two daytime sightings of otter hunting below the dam.

A recent increase in otter activity included two snapped by a camera trap near the lake (Thanks to Tom Griffin for the image).

A noisy flock of six Canada Geese were in front of the Centenary Hide (10th) whilst a pair of Tufted Duck spotted from the Lakeside Hide was a good record (13th-14th). Small numbers of Goosander continue to roost on the lake. A pair of Great Crested Grebe at the top end of the lake hopefully managed to make structural repairs to their nest after persistent rain caused the lake’s water levels to reach full capacity. Common Sandpiper remained active on many of the lake’s inlets with one obliging individual showing well on the Afon Vyrnwy near the weir.

Red Kite took advantage of soaring heat towards the back  end of the week (Thanks to Gavin Chambers for the image).

Other interesting sightings included the first Spotted Flycatcher of the year (16th) whose arrival coincided with a large influx into the country (284 on Bardsey Island, 15th). Pied Flycatcher continued to show well on the Yellow Trail and from the Centenary Hide. The “spinning coin” song of Wood Warbler could be heard from the Yellow, Red and Purple Trails. Common Whitethroat showed well from the triangle and Cuckoo continued to sing from the Red Trail. Single Red Kite and Peregrine Falcon flew over Llanwddyn (16th), baby Tawny Owls were branching in the Sculpture Park (16th), Dipper on the Afon Vyrnwy (daily), Common Redstart from the Centenary Hide and Blue Trail (daily), Wheatear and Whinchat from the Dinas Mawddwy Road (daily).

The first Spotted Flycatcher of the year was recorded on the 16th May (Thanks to Gavin Chambers for the image).

Macrolepidoptera Of The Week

White with black spots, just like a Dalmatian, the White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda is this week’s top moth.

The spotty White Ermine is this week's top moth.

