Sadly, we are discontinuing our free weekend walks. For no obvious reason, support has been very poor this year, and our resources are too stretched to go on offering walks when there are no takers. It's a real shame, because they have always been very well received, and we love doing them.

It's possible, we think, that something offered for no charge is generally perceived to have no value. So, starting in August, we are going to advertise one guided walk each month and charge for it as we do for other events. Booking in advance will be required, and we won't do the walk if we have no bookings. That's a shame too, because we have loved the spontaneity of just sticking our board up and taking all comers out to meet nature.

If you read this and have a view, please let us know what you think.

Meanwhile, the Evening Walk at 9:00 pm on Friday 28th June goes ahead as planned. When I did my reconnaissance walk last Friday, the bats were plentiful, low over the water all around the Cownwy inlet and picking off moths under the yellow lights at the end of the dam. I also managed to find a special trrrrrrrrrreat - why not come and share it?
