Hi, my name is Matt Heaver and I am one of the new interns for Wales. I am currently at Lake Vyrnwy and you may have read the blog by my fellow intern James. We have been asked to blog regularly on our experiences during the next year. To avoid covering the same ground I will focus on bird sightings on the reserve and endeavour to post regular weekly updates. In this first post, I will bring you up to date with sightings from the first month of my internship from March 1st to March 29th. Highlights so far include:

Goshawk: Seen or heard regularly on the red trail in addition to three displaying individuals at the top end of the lake close to Lakeside hide on March 17th.

Buzzard: Viewed almost every day virtually all over the reserve.

Peregrine: Sighted regularly from the Lakeside hide and were viewed displaying on March 12th.

Brambling: Reported on the feeders in front of the Coed-Y-Capel Hide on March 21st.

Raven: Seen occasionally including regular sightings above the RSPB shop.

Grey Wagtail: The first pair of the year viewed on the dam on March 17th.

Goosander: One male next to the dam on March 19th with others reported at the far end of the lake.

Great Crested Grebe: Resident pair commonly sighted in front of Lakeside hide all month giving good views of the courtship display (If you have never observed this behaviour, I urge you to do so. It is spectacular).

Dipper: Seen most days either below the dam or from Centenary Hide.

Many other species are also present in good numbers including: Blue tit, Great Tit, Coal Tit, Long tailed tit, Siskin, Robin, Chaffinch, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Nuthatch, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Jay, Marsh Tit and Willow Tit.

Sightings have been reduced lately due to the snow so much so that us interns were snowed in last weekend with no electricity. Cue us sitting around the log fire trying to keep warm reminiscent of a scene from a bygone era! Here’s hoping for warmer weather soon and the arrival of spring migrants.

Happy Easter

Matt Heaver