RSPB Loch Gruinart took a head count of the birds on our floods today. These are mainly the areas to the front of our hides. While it wasn't our highest count it does give you a picture of the variety of wildfowl that over winter here.

6 mute swan, 5 whooper swan , 76 greylag geese, 91 wigeon duck, 215 teal duck, 140 mallard duck, 71 pintail duck, 31 shoveler duck, 1 grey heron, 3
little grebe, 120 golden plover, 479 lapwing, 4 snipe, 1 black headed gull, 36 common gull, and 5 herring gull.

(the barnacle and whitefronted geese were not counted during this survey, they need a day to themselves!)


Female Shoveler duck, (Andy Robinson)

Wigeon pair, (Andy Robinson)