Well the sun shone and so did our livestock for the show last Thursday. We walked away with quite a few rosettes including some Firsts for our beef calves at Loch Gruinart.

Eion our farm manager said he would name the cows/ calves that won so I'm looking out for some well named cattle now!

RSPB calves on show - Heather Watkin

We also had a great stall up at the show and loads of great volunteers to help with activities such as pebble painting, butterfly hunting, bumblebee challenges and making pipe-cleaner dragonflies. Thank you to Tom, Fraser, Beki, Mandy and Becca for your help!

Great stall and hand-working volunteers at the Islay show - Heather Watkin.

Nothing like admiring highland cows! - Heather Watkin

A terrific Island show and good job RSPB!