Fox moth larvae are one of the more commonly seen and conspicuous caterpillars on Islay through autumn and early winter. This is an early instar and will change colour and grow a great deal, though the yellow bands usually remain pretty distinctive.

The change from summer to autumn is well under way here at the Oa, with Devil's-bit scabious abundant and the heather in bloom. Nettles and other vegetation are dying back quite rapidly now and there's a chill in the morning air that has had Alasdair and I looking out the heavy gloves and layers in preparation for the thrills of another Oa winter. We said goodbye to Geraint and Remi this week, both of whom have migrated south with no return date. Thanks and good luck to them both.

This is currently the view from Beinn Mhor looking west(ish) towards Kinnabus farm and the Rhinns of Islay in the background.