I’m struggling to compete with the photo’s from the Oa recently! But I was out this morning and took these of the rookery.

The rookery extends from the woods by the visitor centre, to the tall trees in the Woodland Trail - roughly 2km! But rooks are known for their travelling. Some have been known to travel up to 45km from their daytime feeding ground to their roost. This section is above the trail itself. While the rooks are nest building the trail is lettered with twigs of various sizes that didn't make the selection, and later their pellets and poo.  Right now, they are feeding young. It's a nice time to take photos before the trees leaf-up, just be careful to keep your mouth closed while you're looking up.

They are incredibly noisy, especially in big numbers!  The Scots name for them is 'Craa', which is a pretty good impression of them!

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