Pats first weekend off and we headed to the breathtaking views of the North Shore, walking from Sorisdale. Great views of grey seals, seabirds and fantastic beaches. In the evening we tasted the delights of the Coll Hotel with a fish supper and a couple of pints, then it was off to the community centre An Cridhe where we sampled the sophisticated delights of a visiting classical quartet, including some very “interesting” Japanese classical! The return drive was atmospheric with low mist, a full moon and clear skys.

Sunday dawned grey with rain forecast so a morning walk up Ben Feall with great views of Feall Bay, Crossapol Bay and Fulmers sweeping across the sea cliff.

 Back to work on Monday and collecting old fencing material got us out and about in sun and breezy conditions, an all day even that certainly builds up an appetite. In the evening it was back to An Cridhe, this time to see Eilidh Firth Trio, traditional Scottish music, a lively foot tapping event.

Wild and wet weather on Tuesday kept us in the barn working to complete the maintenance of the grass seeder and harrow, very satisfying to see it all complete and back on the tractor.

Back to work on the swamp bridges on Wednesday kept us busy with great views of diving Gannets in the bay.

The end of this weeks working week was spent with a trip to the village to collect a telegraph pole for more swamp bridge construction, which we put to good use back up the hill for another stage in the great swamp crossing! On the return leg from the village we visited the very friendly cows that Pat had befriended on an earlier foray into the area to repair a broken gate, without letting our bovine friends loose onto the road!

With the Easter weekend now upon us, Ric departs heading home via a quick trip to Tiree for some birding and a rest, leaving Pat to continue the good work and forge ahead with swamp bridges, the hunt for the Hen Harriers and do the housework.