A day that started with hail and sleet and general foulness...

...brightened up pretty quickly and turned into a bit of a corker, inbetween the occasional shower.

The white line you can just make out in the above picture is a memorial to the French fishermen lost in the Otranto shipwreck of 1918.

The stones have been laid out in the shape of a celtic cross, which is very easy to see from out at sea or on one of the other nearby cliffs, but not so easy to see in my feeble attempt at photojournalism.

Late in the day, a group of Greenland white-fronted geese fed in the field in front of the office. In about 4 weeks time, these birds will be on their way north west, heading for their breeding grounds in Greenland, and the job of eating the grass will fall to the sheep that are brought in off the hills to lamb in the in-bye areas.