
I'm Heather, the new Islay Community Information and Tourism Officer.

Since leaving Mid-Wales and arriving on Islay one month ago I can already admit to being in love with Islay! Every day is something new, and even the rainy days deliver interesting visitors...

Great northern diver at Ardnave point

Seal at Portnahaven


Guided walks are a big part of my job. This largely consists of wondering the Oa and Loch Gruinart with lots of lovely people trying to spot wildlife. Its a horrible job but someone's got to do it!

Listening out for willow warblers!

The walks go every Tuesday at the Oa and every Thursday at Gruinart both starting at 10am. For the last two walks I've managed to see a cuckoo - so I'm fast becoming known as the cuckoo queen (not sure if I like this title!)

A dotterel was spotted at the Oa just yesterday along with lots of marsh fritillary caterpillars... keep your eyes keen for these black furry fellas! Chough's definitely have to be my favourites though.

The mighty chough!

Gruinart reserve comes more alive everyday! With bluebells, dog violets, primroses, wood sorrel and marsh marigolds prettying up the woodland trail. Gorse brings suitable nesting for linnets, willow warblers, whitethroats and other migrants. Grasshopper warblers and sedge warblers are some of those which have been heard already.

I nearly jumped last week on the Gruinart walk when a corncrake called from amongst a nettle patch. So I can confirm that yes they have officially arrived!

Stay tuned for more news from RSPB Islay... and hey why not join me for a guided walk too!

Unfurling fern fronds with some marigolds and bluebells at Gruinart