Well, maybe slightly optimistic at this point, but after Thursdays inspiring count a wee check on Sunday showed a whole 26!

If geese featured in a James Bond flick this is basically the opening title sequence.


The wind is still coming in strong from the south and is looking likely to continue throughout the week, this could well impact their arrival, and at the very least we'll be seeing some very tired geese arriving! As well as the Barnacle geese there are also Brent geese turning up; these have come from either Canada or Svalbard, depending on whether they are 'dark' or 'pale' bellied, and the majority of birds we see at the reserve here will be heading over to Ireland to overwinter. They lack the distinct white face of the barnacle goose, and are smaller.


The Brent geese are at the top, the Barnacles below (squinting helps)


We'll be checking the loch frequently for more arrivals, but until then this is what was greeting us this morning!