Well the day of "summer" we had this week brought some exciting visitors to the Oa... Mark the return of the Marsh Fritillary Butterfly!

Marsh Fritillery Butterfly - David Kjaer (RSPB images)

Lets hope it's a good a year for them as it was last year!

I also managed to spot a Heath Spotted Orchid just the other day. Here on the western Isles we don't get the very similar Common Spotted orchid which is less paler in appearance. The orchid does best on acidic moorland habitats... perfect for the Oa!

Heath Spotted Orchid - Heather Watkin


We've been having a busy time of it at the Whisky festival too.

With plenty of whisky/ wildlife fanatics to chat to and walks seeing great numbers of people attending - thanks to all who came!

Our Whisky stall at Caol Ia - Heather Watkin