Well a week into my post as Hodbarrow Warden and I understand how people can be so passionate about the place. The site is so well used by Millom and Haverigg folk who have been very welcoming to me. During a recent litter pick around the car park I managed to receive some very encouraging comments (we'll ignore the "it'll go back to the same mess tomorrow" one). I've also been chatting to quite a few visitors to Hodbarrow who have put it on their holiday itinery which shows what a draw the site has for birdwatchers form further afield.  

I've been spending a bit of time in the hide and Sandwhich terns seem to be settling in using the estuary and the reserve to move between . The main birds of the moment are the Sedge  and Grasshoper warblers that have started singing and getting into fine voice around the site. The first Sedge warbler of the year I think was heard on Monday and I managed to catch up with one on Tuesday morning (Although if anyone knows of an earlier one let me know!) and now they've starting to sing over a few places. I also had a 'gropper of the track past the car park. We seem to be doing o.k. for 1st arrival dates in cumbria (I was given a rough list today) but I'm still keeping my eye out for Common tern.

Anyway keep me posted of any sightings you have on the reserve that might be of interest and I'll see you out and about.
